
Prof. Noëlle-Laetitia Perret

After obtaining a PhD in medieval history at the University of Fribourg (2009), she benefited from subsidies from the Swiss National Science Foundation, which enabled her to conduct research and establish networks of contacts in Switzerland, Europe and the United States. She was appointed Maître d’enseignement et de recherche at the University of Fribourg (2016), and then defended a Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR) at the École pratique des hautes études in Paris (2021). As assistant professor at the University of Fribourg (2021), then at the University of Geneva (2022), she is leading a project on the history of medieval diplomacy.

Dr. Adrien Wyssbrod

Adrien Wyssbrod studied history at the University of Neuchâtel, the Freie Universität Berlin and the Enssib in Lyon. He was a visiting scholar at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and the Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz. After obtaining a PhD at the University of Neuchâtel (2018), on resistance to the codification of law, he conducted research on the history of diplomacy at the University of Cambridge and Trinity Hall College. Since 2012, he has worked as an editor for the Swiss Law Sources Foundation. He is also co-founder and managing partner of StoriaVostra, where he is in charge of Naria Publishing.

Partners :

Institute Arthur Piaget

The Institute offers a place dedicated to research and training in history as well as a space for citizen dialogue with history. Through its various activities, it offers the widest possible audience the tools to think about what concerns us today. Its programme is part of a broad framework of reflections linked to the challenges facing society (digital revolution and issues of memory, history and questions of identity, etc.). It also intends to contribute to a better dialogue between economic and scientific circles in order to enhance the resources of a region.
The Institute’s activities are focused on three areas: research, training and consulting.



The Institute contributes to the advancement of historical knowledge through high-level scientific research projects. It benefits from partnerships with national and international institutions. Its research is interdisciplinary and deals with a variety of issues.


The Institute offers training courses in various formats (conferences, symposia, summer schools, study days, workshops). These courses, depending on the themes and perspectives chosen, are intended for different audiences: professionals working in archives, libraries and museums, students, doctoral students, teacher-researchers, institutions involved in the promotion and protection of heritage, public authorities, public or private companies and, more generally, anyone interested in history.

Advice and support

Are you a public or private body, a foundation, an association, a group of citizens and do you wish to develop a project related to history (an exhibition, a research project, a popularisation article, a round table, digital activities, interventions in schools or through theatre)? Does your project require a scientific perspective? The Institute can be consulted, or even accompany you in its realisation.